Pregnant cow bitten to death by a wolf? Additional research needed

Was a pregnant cow in a meadow in Heeze bitten to death by a wolf or by a dog in May? A second, more extensive DNA test has again failed to answer this question, says research agency B12. If a wolf is the culprit, that would be the first time in our country. A new follow-up study may provide clarity. If a wolf was the perpetrator, the farmer will receive compensation.

In the two studies, there was not enough DNA material to show which animal is responsible. The owner of the cow feared that the cow had been lying dead in the pasture for too long before DNA material was taken. The report also states that there is too little usable material because the cow was examined too late.

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There is one last possibility to find out which animal is responsible for the death of the cow. Spokesperson Christian Jansen of B12: “Then the research report with photos and findings is discussed by several experts, including the vet who collected the cow at the time. Then it can still be concluded that it was probably a wolf, but it can also remain unclear.”

The province would like to know if a wolf was responsible. This could have consequences for the hunting of the protected wolves. In France, an animal was shot dead for attacking a cow.


Pregnant cow bitten to death, vet fears this is the work of a wolf

Did wolf kill cow for the first time? Province starts emergency investigation
