Pregnancy and baby brain, the phenomenon suffered by Kate Middleton

dforgetting things, even the most trivial and commonly used words, poor concentration and attention, memory deficit and great difficulty in organizing. Are the baby brain symptomsthe particular condition suffered by new mothers and by women in the last weeks of childbirth. «It is not experienced by all women but by many yes and it can be a very frustrating phenomenon. The good news is that it is a passenger that runs out within a few weeks» explains the Doctor Beatrice Casoni Psychiatrist at Quisisana Nursing Home in Ferrara.

Pregnancy, what is the baby brain that Kate Middleton also suffered from?

The phenomenon of the baby brain has recently made a comeback thanks to Shoot, the book signed by Prince Harry. In one passage, in fact, there is a comment by his wife Meghan Markle who, after a dispute with Kate Middleton, allegedly “accused” her sister-in-law of suffering from this very phenomenon.

Actually the baby brain involves about four out of five new motherstherefore the Princess of Wales is certainly not an isolated case: «The baby brain is characterized by some problems of cognitive functions, in particular it presents with attention and concentration difficulties, memory impairment and organization difficulties. Those who experience it define it as the strange, sometimes frustrating feeling of not remembering commonly used words or forgetting commitments and appointments. It is also difficult for new mothers to keep the attention on everything that does not concern the child» explains Dr. Casoni, who continues: «It is not a worrying phenomenon. Indeed, it is normal. It is in fact linked to evolution: the mother is concentrated exclusively in the relationship with the child and in taking care of her so as to exclude everything else. The brain of new mothers faces a real revolution that leads them to reset the stimuli of the outside world to save energy and pour it only on the newborn».

Don’t worry though, although it is a widespread and even annoying phenomenon, it is temporary.

The baby brain is not a negative event

Because of this the baby brain should not be seen as a negative phenomenon or, even worse, disabling: it is indeed a defense mechanism implemented by the female brain and that it can involve women a few weeks before giving birth and during breastfeeding: studies have in fact shown that it is as long as the duration of the breastfeeding itself.

«According to a study published in 2016 in the journal Nature Neuroscience, two years after giving birth, pregnant women show some changes in the gray matter: specifically affecting the areas involved in the processes of social relations and the development of empathy. However a later study, published in the journal current psychology, has shown that any changes in cognitive function related to motherhood tend to disappear over time and in some cases, their performances, i.e. the ability to react to an external stimulus, to orient themselves with respect to it and to cope with conflicting information or stimuli, can surpass those of women without children» explains Dr. Casoni.

Depression in pregnancy: the signs not to be underestimated and the possible treatments

Not only that: studies have shown that particularly affected by baby brain are women who do not have adequate support from their partners and family members. In these cases, in fact, the continuous criticisms, being constantly judged and being left alone in such a delicate moment for the woman, not only exacerbates the phenomenon of the baby brain, making it live in a totally negative way, but also poses the basis for postpartum depression “which, unlike the baby brain, is a real psychological disorder that requires intervention”.

How to deal with this down period?

As the expert explains, the first fundamental thing is don’t get caught up in discouragement and much less anxiety. Then implement a series of practical behaviors that are helpful to the baby brain “For example, mark appointments in the diary, make a to-do list and carry out the tasks one at a time. Relax more, sometimes even a simple shower is enough and, above all, take time for yourself. For example, going for a walk alone, without the baby, is not a sign of being a “bad mother” but of recharging your energy and returning home better looking. In addition, sleep: recovering the hours of sleep is essential, in fact, lack of rest affects memory and attention. Because of this getting help becomes essential” concludes the expert.

