PreethaJi, the Indian guru: “Let’s meditate to change the world”

THETheir goal is to lead to enlightenment at least 80 thousand people, or 0.1% of humanity: the world would surely change for the better, they are sure. By lighting we mean to help human beings transform themselves and free themselves from an inner state made of depression, stress, lack of meaning.

Preethaji and Krishnaji, husband and wife, are very famous in India as spiritual guides. As well as their bestselling book The Four Sacred Secrets. Which offers personal experiences and meditative practices to follow.

Together they built the Ekam temple, not far from Chennai, an all-white spiritual house where they impart their teachings and meditate for world peace. Also creators of PKconsciousness, have a remarkable “pedigree”.: Preethaji specializes in business and administration and is co-founder of the O&O Academy, while Krishnaji is the son of Sri Bhagavan, a spiritual guide followed by more than 10 million people worldwide since the 1980s.

From September, the Ekam temple will also have a branch in Sweden. They announced it on the European leg of their tour in Milan. Where they were invited by Franco Canteri, founder of Lakhsmi, the ayurveda-based cosmetic brand that uses only natural bio ingredients.

Preethaji and Krishnaji, two contemporary gurus

Welcomed as stars by the crowd inside a Milanese hotel, Preethaji and Krishnaji emphasized the need to get in touch with one’s “inner guide” along a path of enlightenment made up of five stages.

So exercises were done breathing, yoga and then meditation.

At the end of the process – which was attended by hundreds of people – we interviewed PreethaJi.

Everyone can be enlightened, says PreethaJi

Can anyone approach the experience of enlightenment?
Absolutely. We are guiding many people on this five-stage journey. They are people who no longer let themselves be defined by the chaos of life and live in a state of unperturbed calm radiating light around them as they face everyday challenges.

Indeed, life is made up of challenges and perhaps our task is to find the key to unlock them from time to time.
Yes, it is. If the challenges were always the same life would be repetitive. The key to unlocking them is deeply rooted in one’s consciousness. When we enter this state of expansion, the magic happens. You understand your life’s mission and begin to understand that a new life experience is possible. Our mission is to make 80,000 people live in an enlightened state of consciousness.

“Changing the World Consciousness”

Why exactly 80,000 people?
It is equivalent to 0.1% of the population of humanity. That 0.1% can have a huge impact on the lives of many people and on the collective consciousness. At this time, the world consciousness has sunk into division, separation, conflict and, on an individual level, stress. That needle must move towards unity, peace and connection.

All the crisis we are seeing now is caused by tens of millions of people living and suffering. So the way out of all these troubles in the world is the conscience of humanity.

We are made of energy.
I always say: share your love, your beautiful positive vibes with the people you love. We are not disconnected blocks of matter. We are constantly vibrating and there is a radiation that comes from the heart and touches the hearts of others.

Assuming that we are separate individuals is an illusion. We are basically a vibrating field of energy.

PreethaJi: «Everyone should meditate»

Meditation: 10 benefits of this ancient practice

Meditation: 10 benefits of this ancient practice

How do you start meditating?
We offer many meditations on our website and on social networks. More generally it is an inner growth. It is probably the greatest adventure one can truly undertake in life. The important thing is to become aware of it.

Perhaps awareness is the most important concept in life.
Awareness is the first step. What is the inner experience you are having right now? You are sad? You are angry? You are scared? Or are you experiencing deep joy? Every vital state you experience determines your current and future life.

In what sense?
People believe that what they think is limited only to themselves. But it’s not true. What is happening inside you is communicated to the universe and is reflected in the situation you face in life. When you are in pain, you are communicating this texture of consciousness to the universe, you are saying that you are open to problems. When you are free from suffering, you are communicating that you are open to miracles and synchronicities.

PreethaJi: «Death is only the passage from one form to another»

When did you feel your life would change?
When I was about nine, I had a powerful experience. I realized that the world around me wasn’t experiencing the world or life the way I was experiencing it. For me the separation between self and other was very subtle. I have had powerful enlightenment experiences where all thoughts have been silenced.

What is death?
Life never ends. The shapes change. In India, in Hinduism, when someone dies, they don’t say that he is dead. It’s just a movement from one realm to another. There is never an end, only a change of form.

The last question PreethaJi: what is happiness?
We are usually happy when we get something. But it is a very brief state of expansion related to the ego. So much so that if something doesn’t work out, then I get sad. What we are teaching is the opposite: it is certainly not fleetingness, but being masters of oneself.

