Prayer at the beginning of the state meeting may receive an adjustment | 1Limburg

Governor Emile Roemer will discuss with all 13 political groups in the Limburg Parliament whether they need an adjustment of the prayer at the start of a meeting.

He responds to VVD member of parliament Teun Heldens. During a meeting of the group chairmen, he asked what he himself called a ‘light-hearted question’ about prayer.

‘Not of this time’
According to Heldens, the current text is outdated and should be more secular. “The word God should no longer be used. We have to modernize,” says Heldens.

The text currently being spoken reads: “At the beginning of this meeting, in which we come together to serve the interests of the province of Limburg and its inhabitants, we express the hope that our labors will bear fruit. May we draw strength and inspiration from our beliefs and beliefs with proper appreciation for each other’s opinion. That is our prayer to God or each other.”

Make a decision
VVD member Heldens received support from the PVV. Party chairman René Claassen said that he had already made a comment about a change in prayer.

Governor Roemer indicated that he would work with everyone. He did expect that a possible change in the prayer would be very sensitive to a number of parties. “And in the end, the Limburg Parliament decides,” said the governor.

The current text dates, with a minor adjustment in December 2015, from the beginning of this century. It replaced a traditional Catholic-religious prayer. Even then, the reason was an adjustment to the changing zeitgeist.
