Praot Drents Met Mij with Harm Dijkstra

Het Huus van de Taol has made a fourth season of the Drenthe-language podcast Praot Drents Met Mij in collaboration with RTV Drenthe.

In this podcast, director of the Huus van de Taol Renate Snoeijing talks to well-known Drenthes about the role that the Drenthe language plays in their lives. Comedian and presenter Harm Dijkstra is a guest in this episode.

“When I am in Nörg and Westervelde, I always have the feeling that I will come back in hoes.” Harm Dijkstra started with the Drents van Nörg vanzien tired and the Drents van Slien that see pap prude. The heel still switches easily between the two variants.

Dijkstra joined the choir in Slien as a little boy: “I really enjoy singing and I have a classmate, Iene Roelof Klinkhamer, who really likes it.” Dijkstra is so bad at singing that he is still a member of the choir. Veur hum is the kind of femilie.

“We always had a lot of fun with seeing both.” Harm and Roelof have been able to laugh about things from an early age. “We just click and it will always stay that way.”

“Actually, I’d rather be a forest ranger, but then I have to have chemistry and physics, and I’m not very good at that.” So Dijkstra gives them the PA (Pedagogical Academy) to become a teacher. At that time, you will also get papers to give mosquitoes to the class. He is still in front of the class in Emmen and gives me sick children who have a hard time learning: “Dizze children have a lot of fun, especially me sick. She loves dancing and singing.”

In Slien she has had an organization for a very long time that organized a Europe trip every year. The youth from the age of 16 can then travel by bus for fourteen days in Europe. Even though they were in different schools at the time, Harm and Roelof found each other again on these trips in the summer.

Dijkstra has a great love for Norway: “There you really can bet with nature.” Here the geern is allowed to fish in the fjords, if she stays with the tent on vekaansie bint.
