Pozzetto: “Break down the San Siro? As a Milan supporter but also a friend of Moratti I say that…”

Renato Pozzetto, renowned actor and comedian, spoke to La Stampa at San Siro: here is the answer regarding the future of the stadium

Renato Pozzetto, renowned actor and comedian, spoke to La Stampa at San Siro. When asked about blast chilling or not, Pozzetto replies as follows:

«I don’t know, also because although I’m a Milan supporter, and also a friend of the former Inter president Massimo Moratti, I rarely went to the stadium. I used to go there as a child. As an adult I always had the feeling that at the end of the match all the fans, regardless of their team’s result, shared a certain sadness. The sadness of the end of Sunday and of the party, the sadness of those who had to go to work the next day. As a privileged person who has always loved his job, I felt out of place at the stadium”
