Power failure affects emergency center regions of Arnhem and Nijmegen | NOW

The 112 emergency center for the Arnhem and Nijmegen regions has been hit by a power failure. According to a spokesperson for the Gelderland-South Safety Region, the power outage in Arnhem will not affect the emergency services.

After the power outage on Thursday evening, the emergency center in Apeldoorn took over 112 reports for the police, fire brigade and ambulance from Gelderland-Midden and Gelderland-South.

The information officer: “Our dispatchers are now also in Apeldoorn. The malfunction has no consequences for the arrival of the Four Days Marches. There are so many people in the city that we expect incidents to center there. But we can work well from Apeldoorn.” ‘

The power outage in the area of ​​the Beekstraat in Arnhem, where a police station and the emergency center are located, started on Thursday evening around 8.30 pm. The outage has not yet been resolved as of Friday morning. The dispatchers will not return to Arnhem until power is restored. It is unclear how much time Liander will need for this.
