Powder at police station turns out to be seized raw material for drugs

The strange powder found at a police station in Eindhoven appears to be a substance used to make narcotics. The powder was examined at the station. Officers came into contact with the substance and experienced stinging eyes and irritation. An officer therefore had to go to the hospital. “Despite protocols, things can always happen,” the police report.

According to an officer on duty at the scene, the drug ended up at the police station because they had previously seized it. The substance was examined on site by specialists from the Defense CBRN Center in Vught. They have knowledge in the field of chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear agents.

Police measuring equipment did not recognize the substance. That is why defense specialists were called in to investigate. Several defense people in orange and blue suits investigated. That is now being scaled down. The police station is being ventilated.

Disinfection street
A special disinfection street was set up next to the police station. Men who did research inside were cleansed there. A swimming pool was also set up. The specialists took turns because of the heat and were able to cool off in the water.

The fire brigade, ambulance and defense were at the police station with several vehicles. The street between the police station and the Catharina Hospital a little further away was cordoned off.
