Pot-bellied pigs Drents-Friese Wold left to fend for the time being: ‘Little enthusiasm to help’

For example, there has been consultation with the municipality of Westerveld and several animal aid organizations, but according to Natuurmonumenten no one is taking the lead. The question is how to proceed for the dumped pot-bellied pigs, which now roam in a poor area where there is not much food for them.

“We think they will last for a while,” emphasizes forest ranger Bleijs. “They look healthy. And there is also some food here and there, but of course there is a wolf in the area here, so well, I don’t know. And that of course sounds sad for them.”

Bleijs emphasizes that he is very happy with the help and cooperation of the hobby pig association. That club quickly arranged a shelter for the pot-bellied pigs. But as long as they are not caught, it is of no use to them.

According to the forester, Natuurmonumenten is still keeping an eye on the pot-bellied pigs. “Of course we feel responsible for the animals, it is a problem for public order.” Should the beasts be located after all, the option of stunning and then moving them is still on the table.
