Postcode Lottery does not like Winston Gerschtanowitz’s jokes

Winston Gerschtanowitz is not allowed by the Postcode Lottery to make jokes with a golden envelope, says the presenter. “The lottery made that very clear in my contract.”

© SBS 6

It is about the only place where we still see Winston Gerschtanowitz on television: the tail end of Miljoenenjacht in which a home winner is surprised. We then see the presenter standing somewhere in the country with a golden envelope to rob people at home. That didn’t work last weekend because the people he rang the bell were not at home.

Randomly ring the bell

When Frank Dane interviews him about it on Radio 538the radio DJ shouts: “If I were you, I would really go out on the street once a year for fun and just randomly ring the doorbell everywhere and see what happens.”

Well, the Postcode Lottery is not happy with that at all, Winston explains. “Well, it is very clear in our contract that we are not allowed to play that joke, because believe me: how about carnival!”

Golden envelope

Carnival is of course the perfect time to put on your funny pants, according to Winston. “There are of course a lot of nice moments for me to walk into a place with such a golden envelope, but no: that is not appreciated, so we never do that.”

Anyway: Winston stood in front of a closed door last weekend. Where? In the wealthy Laren. The winners of the 500,000 euros that he brought along were just as comfortable in their weekend house in Zeeland.

Around the corner

Winston himself lives in neighboring Blaricum. “For me it’s just around the corner! My son was back at school today and one of the boys came up to him: ‘Your daddy was with us!’”

“Of course we also awarded the same amount to everyone who played with the same zip code, including boys from my son’s school.”

Awesome. Another weekend house.
