Possible shooting in Roosendaal, one man arrested

There may have been shots fired at the Kade in Roosendaal on Saturday evening. Police received a report of a shooting around 7 a.m. One man was arrested and taken to the station.

It appears that no injuries have been reported so far. The police are also investigating whether shots were actually fired. The area around the Quay was cordoned off for a while. There were also officers in bulletproof vests.

At around 7:30 a.m. on the orders of the police, ten people emerged from a house above a restaurant. Initially they were all handcuffed, but now they are said to have been released again – except for one man.

Violation of the Weapons Act
That man was later arrested and taken to the station. The police report on Twitter that he is suspected of violating the firearms law, although no weapon has been found yet. Bags were put around the man’s arms, so that they can be checked for traces later.

Officers also searched the upstairs apartment. The property and surrounding area have since been reopened. However, the investigation is still ongoing.
