Possible new treatment methods on the basis of the pro-state law | medical

Onderzoekers van de KU Leuven lifted a great new method ontdekt for the treatment of uitgezaaide prostaatskanker, so heeft de universiteit Dinsdag bekendgemaakt in a personal report. The new method is state of the art in the work of cancer cells that have become resistant to the drugs, and prevent large numbers of them.

Prostaatkanker is the most prior kanker by men. The national state of the cellen, which is subject to control, is limited to the western part of the state. The kankercellen can later spread in het lichaam en uitzaaiingen. Vaak with hormone therapy worked into the phase. The therapy blocks the working of the mannelijk hormone testosterone, in which case it increases the amount of the kanker.

The medicines that have been used since moments, androgen receptor-remmers, works real hard, because the tumors have become resistant. New manners ontdekken the de work van het mannelijk hormoon, en dus de groei van de kanker, can remmen, zijn daarom cruciaal om new treatment te developed.

A team of KU Leuven professors Arnout Voet and Frank Claessens found that there was nothing completely new about the androgen receptor, which means that testosterone binds to you, that genes could bind to you from the work of testosterone in the print job. The plek is called the DIM pocket. Doors on the molecules in the medicine that are very close to the DIM pocket, can not bind the androgen receptor to the strict DNA of kankercellen. This is how the de kankerontwikkeling aandrijven uitschakeld.

The sub-zoekers have now been able to develop a ‘proof of concept’ with more knowledge of the molecules. You should also make sure that there are no works inside than people in the middle.

The report is published on Tuesday in the published publication of the Molecular Cancer Therapeutics of the American Association for Cancer Research.
