‘Possible humanitarian corridor’ from Mariupol . on Saturday

Overview: Russian invasion of Ukraine is just the beginning, warns Zelensky

These are the main developments from Friday evening and the night from Friday to Saturday:

  • The Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has warned that the Russian invasion of Ukraine is only the beginning and that Moscow wants to conquer other countries as well. Zelensky said in a video message late Friday night after a Russian general stated on Friday that Russia wants complete control of southern Ukraine. Such control would give Russia access to Transnistria, a renegade region of Moldova. In his video message, Zelensky called on countries to join Ukraine in the fight against Russia, “because we are the first in line, and who will follow next?”
  • According to Ukrainian Deputy Prime Minister Irina Vereshchuk there is “a possibility” that a humanitarian corridor will be opened on Saturday to evacuate civilians from the besieged port city of Mariupol. “Wait for the official announcement tomorrow morning. If everything goes well, I will confirm,” Vereshchuk said in an online message on Friday evening. Russian soldiers, meanwhile, have stepped up their attacks on the eastern front. On Friday, the Kremlin claimed that Russia has seized a large arms depot near the eastern Ukrainian city of Kharkov.
  • Secretary General Antonio Guterres United Nations will travel to Kiev next week to meet with Ukrainian President Zelensky. The UN has said so in a statement. Guterres will go to Moscow on Tuesday for a first meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin since the start of the war in Ukraine, it was already known on Friday. A meeting is also planned with Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov.
