Possible cutting building rolled up in Rotterdam after tip resident | Inland

A cutting building is a building where drugs are cut and mixed with other substances in order to increase the volume and thus be able to earn more from the drugs. Visits by unknown, changing people, often with big shoppers or garbage bags, may indicate such a building, the police said. When the report about the resident who had not been seen for a long time and the strange men who visited the house, the alarm bells immediately went off with the officers involved. The men told a story about babysitting the house and the cats, but the officers didn’t believe that and so they checked the house. There they found dozens of kilograms of blocks of powder, presumably narcotics. There were also scales, sieves, packaging materials and other attributes used in the cutting of narcotics.

The police are conducting further investigations into the suspects and to see whether they are actually narcotics. Witnesses are called upon to report.
