Possible code yellow during Opera op de Parade, preparations in full swing | NOW

The build-up for Opera op de Parade, which starts on Thursday evening at 7.30 pm, is in full swing. As usual, a few thousand interested parties who attend the open-air performance are taken into account. The KNMI takes thunderstorms into account. Here’s what it means for the event.

The KNMI expects periods with sun on Thursday and Friday, but also some showers, possibly with thunder. Later on Thursday and Friday there is a high chance (60-90 percent) of code yellow for thunderstorms. “It promises a wonderful edition of Opera on the Parade to become. But we keep a close eye on the weather forecast in collaboration with the emergency services,” says Jurjen Toepoel, head of marketing and policy at Opera Zuid.

He emphasizes that ‘no risk’ is taken with regard to the safety of the visitors. This can even lead to cancellation due to thunderstorms during the opera. “The safety coordinator will make the final decision about this. If he or she estimates that it is no longer safe, we will not take any risks,” said Toepoel.

He knows that traditionally a number of interested parties sit down on the square hours before the start of the opera. Bad weather could dampen that enthusiasm. Otherwise, the organization can decide to ‘release the square later in the afternoon’.
