Positive advice for battery park in Zeebrugge

Positive advice for battery park in Zeebrugge

The wind farm developer’s park will be connected to Elia’s high-voltage substation to store energy surpluses from the nearby wind turbines. The province of West Flanders will make the final decision on the environmental permit.

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The company wants a park of 100 megawatts or 400 megawatt hours. This means that the batteries can deliver 100 megawatts of electricity for four hours. During those four hours, it provides 60,000 families with electricity. “Battery parks are important to keep the electricity grid in balance,” says Bruges alderman of Spatial Planning Franky Demon. “Such a park ensures the storage of electricity when wind turbines and solar panels produce more electricity than we all need. When less is produced than we need, the battery park releases the stored electricity. How more wind turbines are built, the more solar panels we install, the more battery farms we need to balance supply and demand.”
