Porto – Barcelona | the mess you leave in the lanes

On at 19:22


The match in Do Dragao sends a warning to Xavi regarding the defensive balance of the sides

Barça has started attacking with both Cancelo and Balde; Before, only the left-handed winger did it

A few hours after the very important victory in Do Dragao, Barça are already starting to think about how to continue improving. The team knew how to compete – and suffer – to take the three points in a demanding place, but that does not mean the various aspects that did not end up working. Among them, defensive balances.

Within a few weeks of each other, Xavi’s team has gone from attacking with only one side to doing so with two. The usual trend was to close with the right back, leaving freedom for Balde on the left. However, the arrival of Cancelo has disrupted the plans. Joao’s mentality is clearly offensive and, although he starts out as a winger, he often ends up playing as a midfielder or even as a winger. What does that mean? That The team increases its possibilities in attack but is more exposed in defense.

Koundé and Araujo, very exposed

Against Porto there were several transitions by the home team in which Barça did not strike a careful balance between attack and defense. Accustomed to closing with three, the two center backs and the right back, Xavi’s cast was seen on multiple occasions protecting themselves only with Araujo and Koundé.

The Barça coach will have to find the formula to rebalance his team. Limiting the offensive profile of Cancelo or Balde could be an option, but at the same time it seems unnatural not wanting to exploit their best virtues. Another alternative would be to close with the defensive pivot. And it is at that point where a second debate opens, collaterally.

Christensen as pivot, alternative

Christensen was a substitute in Porto and Oriol Romeu has lost some steam in recent weeks. The former Chelsea player would adapt without excessive problems to the pivot position and, with the ball, would allow Barça to close with three at the back. In fact, Andreas already occupied the midfield on some occasions during his ‘blue’ stage.

What is clear is that the map of the Barça team on the pitch has changed a lot with the arrival of the Joaos and, therefore, Xavi will have to turn his head to readjust parts and mechanisms.
