Port of Ostend welcomes important freight handler from UK

Port of Ostend welcomes important freight handler from UK

Nectar will occupy a site in the outer harbor and will invest in equipment, including a mobile harbor crane to load and unload ships efficiently. The arrival of this global player will enrich the range of freight handlers in the port of Ostend. Charlotte Verkeyn – Chairman of the Port of Ostend: “The arrival of Nectar Group proves that Port of Ostend is a good breeding ground for both SMEs and international players. Port of Oostende is fully committed to achieving additional traffic and we are confident that this is a step in the right direction! In addition, the arrival of Nectar Group will also benefit employment in Ostend.”

Dirk Declerck – CEO and Managing Director of the Port of Ostend: “After attracting companies in Plassendale I in recent years, the emphasis for the coming years will be on attracting new maritime traffic. We are therefore very pleased with Nectar Group’s choice for Port of Ostend.”
