“Port of Barcelona will participate in the competition for Nissan land”

  • Damià Calvet, president of the Port of Barcelona, ​​defends the logistics option for Nissan land

What is the position of the Port of Barcelona regarding the reindustrialisation of the land occupied by Nissan in the Zona Franca?

Catalonia has a large logistics area made up of the port of Barcelona itself, the Barcelona Free Zone Consortium, Mercabarna and the Airport. It is one of the most important economic and logistics zones in Europe. We need more economic activity in this area.

The port has a private public instrument, called Cilsa, with which we have already shown that we are capable of investing and generating economic activity with an impact on maritime traffic, for example with the Decathlon ships that are next to the land area of Nissan. We are willing to offer that same model of use of space to the Reindustrialization Commission. When the Consorci de la Zona Franca puts this land out to tender to reinvigorate economic activity in that space previously occupied by Nissan, the Port of Barcelona will be ready to offer its project.

“Logistics provides many jobs. We are talking about 500,000 square meters, 5,000 jobs”

A large project, for all the available space. It also has alternatives to combine industrial activity that may arrive, logistics activity and also data centers. All this can configure different uses for that space. We are prepared.

What can you say to those who defend industrial activity and underestimate the jobs generated by logistics activity?

I defend that Catalonia has a strong industrial base, the stronger the better. But I can’t help but defend the logistics. First because it provides many jobs. The indicators point to the fact that it generates a job for every 100 square meters of occupied logistics land. We are talking about 500,000 square meters, 5,000 jobs. Any land can be used for industrial purposes. But in this strategic area that the port represents, it would be much more useful for the country’s economy if there were logistics with maritime traffic. In the end, 75% of the goods that are imported or exported from Catalonia pass through the port. This infrastructure must be strengthened.

Multiple uses for Nissan land?

In the industrial projects that have been presented, it is possible to make a combination of uses and the instrument available to the port, Cilsa, is adequate and has shown that value-added economic activity can be generated, with a solution tailored to what it needs the country.

Any other factor that favors the Port of Barcelona proposal?

There is another important factor. That in the Port of Barcelona offer there will always be an element of training. Of learning of these Nissan workers towards the logistics activity. It will form part of our offer to the Consorci de la Zona Franca.

What have been the effects of the war in Ukraine on the activity of the Port of Barcelona?

The pandemic paralyzed the port and in 2021 the activity recovered rapidly. When the port recovers, what it does is boost the economy in general. The ports serve for that, to stimulate the economy, to streamline supply chains, to increase exports and imports, and to use the available spaces to carry out other activities, such as the America’s Cup, but above all to get out before crises . The logistics sector is capable of withstanding the economy in the face of a crisis.

“Operators are now working to find new suppliers of cereals from the Black Sea area, since what was going to enter from the area from October will not arrive”

But there has been an impact from the war in Ukraine…

Yes. The first thing that has failed is the economy in general, with a general rise in the cost of living. Energy costs have risen. Transport has clearly been affected. We have even had a strike that has forced us to manage our capacities to minimize the impact on supply chains. Agreements and measures have been reached that transport has better expectations.

There is merchandise traffic that has gone down and others has gone up…

Indeed, there are traffics that have been affected by the conflict in the Black Sea area. This is the case of solid bulk, basically cereals that arrive by sea to make feed. The operators are now working to find new suppliers since what was going to come from the area from October will not arrive.

What product traffic has increased as a result of the war in Ukraine?

For example, fertilizers. The main suppliers were Russia and the Ukraine and their exports have come to a standstill. This has benefited companies like the old Iberpotash, which now have a larger output, both in volume and price. For now the increases are 50%, but the prospects are that it will increase much more. Another traffic that has increased substantially is that of liquefied gas. In the port of Barcelona there is the largest regasification plant in Europe, which is managed by Enagás. It is a storage and regasification plan that is currently much more active than usual.

It is expected that the lines will be defined to increase energy reserves in the face of the current veto on Russian gas imports…

Yes. It must be defined that part of the storage capacity of the Enagás deposits will be used as a strategic reserve or for supplies to Italy, which does not have port facilities large enough for large liquefied gas container ships. Smaller ships can carry gas to Italy from the Barcelona facility. In the longer term, there may be a channel or gas pipeline that can supply gas to Italy from the port of Barcelona. The Barcelona regasification plant is a guarantee of supply diversification and for the control or reduction of prices.

What part of the gas will be defined as strategic reserve?

The government must define it. It is expected that there will be more traffic of liquefied gas in the port of Barcelona. With the war in Ukraine it has already increased by around 200% so far this year. If we talk in terms of supplying gas to the city of Barcelona, ​​each tank in the port of 150,000 cubic meters, and there are four, can supply the metropolitan area for a month. Two of them could be filled as a strategic reserve.

“With the war in Ukraine, traffic in liquefied natural gas has already increased by around 200% so far this year”

What investments does the Port of Barcelona expect to face in the coming years?

The investment plan of the port of Barcelona for the next 10 years foresees this 1,500 million investment. Everything happens to provide more activity to the southern area of ​​the port, which is still at 50% of its capacity. The port will not be expanded, it will not expand its current dimensions one inch, but it will be completed. It is completed based on the environmental impact plan based on a fast agenda.

How are the dock electrification plans going?

At this time, Marina Barcelona 92 ​​already has a system to connect ships to the electricity grid. The electrification plan is in line with decarbonizing the activity of the port. A fundamental part is the electrification of the docks, which under the name of Nexigen foresees investments of around 110 million euros, 90 for the internal network and another 20 for the substations that must provide green energy to the docks. There are two pilot projects underway, one at the Hutchinson Terminal and one at the Ferris Terminal. With these tests we will have technical and also legal experience on the peculiarities of the electricity supply that the port will sell through concessionaires. The objective is to have the part of ferries, containers and cruise ships completely electrified before 2030. The objective is to reduce emissions by 50%. Sustainable mobility is also part of these plans, such as the promotion of the train in the port area.

“The goal is to have the ferries, containers and cruise ships fully electrified before 2030”

What does the Copa América mean for the port and Barcelona?

It is a great opportunity. The port must also serve to offer its spaces to the city. We have to help build the city. We must strengthen Barcelona’s image in the world through the Copa América, which must be a catalyst for the planned investments and which we will now speed up. For example, the improvement of the sheds now in poor condition. The America’s Cup will also be an opportunity for the current concessionaires of the port, such as hotels, restaurants or maritime clubs, for example. The 2024 Copa América will have a significant impact on the city, the port and the city’s global projection. It has created a very positive mood.

Will the Copa América entail a budget burden for the Port of Barcelona?

No. There are people who have come to question the convenience of the organization for others held in the past but in the case of Barcelona it will be sustainable. We take advantage of the current facilities and there will be no extraordinary investments. The investments that are made will be for the improvement of the current facilities and that there is a lasting legacy.

I guess it’s a piece of candy for a manager of such a technical infrastructure as the Port of Barcelona…

Yes. The organization is complex since the normal activity of the infrastructure must be maintained, but at the same time it is a great stimulus. The concessionaires of the port are happy because they will actually be able to make themselves known. The America’s Cup is an opportunity to publicize the port even more. I vindicate the maritime and port culture of Barcelona. We have lost it. We have forgotten a bit. With the Copa América, this port culture is vindicated.

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Will the America’s Cup interfere with the normal operations of the ships? How will it be possible to organize regattas alongside freighters?

We will try not to interfere. Only the north entrance will be used. All transport or cruise ships will use the south entrance.
