‘Porsche van Mo Ihattaren burned out, police suspect arson’

The Porsche Panamera of Ajax player Mo Ihattaren was set on fire last Monday night. The police suspect arson.

Around three o’clock in the morning, officers found the burning car in the Kanaleneiland district of Utrecht. The fire brigade was immediately alerted and extinguished the fire. His brother’s car went up in flames last week.

Criminal environment

Ihattaren has not been training with Ajax for months. According to the Telegraaf, the footballer would be threatened by criminals. Delinquents would also have been seen in the football player’s car made available by Ajax. Ihattaren himself denies involvement in criminal activities.

Ihattaren is rented by Ajax from the Italian Juventus. The club must decide in January whether they want to take over the footballer permanently.
