Porpoise stranded on Ameland and collected in Anna Paulowna is dead

The porpoise that washed up on the beach of Ameland on Sunday morning died on Monday afternoon in the shelter of the SOS Dolfijn Foundation in Anna Paulowna.

The porpoise, a young male, had probably been on the beach for some time before he was found, according to the animal shelter. The beast was quite pecked by birds and badly injured on the underside of the body and on the head.

After the find, KNRM Ameland and the animal ambulance Ameland brought the porpoise to Holwerd. A team from SOS Dolfijn then transferred the animal to the reception center in Anna Paulowna with a special dolphin ambulance. The animal died there on Monday afternoon.

When the porpoise arrived at the shelter on Sunday, the SOS Dolfijn team noticed an abnormality in the tail. A photo was taken of it today, which showed that the tail had been broken. The porpoise was probably able to survive for a while thanks to the care of its mother animal. Without a mother, he got into further trouble, and stranded on Ameland on Sunday.

Due to the abnormality in the tail, the porpoise could not swim normally and therefore had no good chances of survival. He was also seriously injured in his abdomen. The vet therefore had the animal put to sleep.

Peak season

Hundreds of porpoises wash up on the Dutch coast every year, an employee of the shelter says. Between January and April is the ‘high season’ and most animals wash up. They are usually already dead. Only five to ten animals are cared for in Anna Paulowna every year. A live harbor porpoise also washed ashore on Texel last week. He has also been taken care of in Anna Paulowna and is doing well given the circumstances.
