Pope Francis as a victim of the crack

For not a few Argentines, Francisco’s pontificate was largely reduced to the grim gesture he put on when he was photographed with Mauricio Macri, to having “thrown” Margarita Barrientos out of the Plaza de Mayo, to having “sent” a Rosary to Milagro Sala, to that Juan Grabois be counted among its “spokespersons”. To having received Cristina Fernández and so many Peronists “so many times”, to the detriment of those of other political forces due to his sympathy for Peronism. It doesn’t matter how much truth there is in all of this. In the end, we live in times of rift, of political war and, it is known, in war the first victim is the truth.

We could go on and talk, for example, about the accusation made of promoting the “poor man.” But we stop here. The truth is that Argentines -or a few of them- reduced the papacy of Jorge Bergoglio to a political tenement of dubious veracity. We have not come to appreciate the full dimension of his pontificate in these ten years, beginning by promoting a more open and understanding Church, which does not discriminate against gays and divorcees; an austere Church with great concern —although not exclusive— for the poor, and care for the environment like never before in Catholicism.

Nor do we come to appreciate all the steps he took—continuing the path begun by Benedict XVI—to combat the horrendous scourge of clergy sexual abuse, the biggest scandal in the Church in a long time. Or to provide greater transparency to Vatican finances, contaminated by corruption and stalked by mafias. Among the seasoned journalists who deal with the affairs of the Vatican, there was little hope that Francis would go as far on such sensitive issues. Did you achieve everything you set out to do? No, but it wasn’t little that she got.

We are left without appreciating his commitment to ecumenism and interreligious dialogue, especially with Jews and Muslims. And, finally, for world peace. Mistakes surely he made. However, the balance is broadly positive. Of course no one is a prophet in his land.

*Journalist. Author of “Secret of Confession” and “El Jesuita”.

by Sergio Rubín *

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