Poolse premier waarschuwt voor ongecontroleerde migration: “Voortbestaan ​​westerse beschaving in gevaar” | Buitenland

If the new pool is premier, it is a new wind, but Donald Tusk is even harder for (uncontrolled earth) migration than for those of us. “This is over the best part of the western world.”


Latest update:
12-02-24, 23:50

Image, Focus, The World, Belga

Maandag heeft de Poolse premier meeting with French President Emmanuel Macron and German bondsman Olaf Scholz. Druk discussed onderwerpen zijn de oorlog in Oekraïne, de triogementen van Trump and de migratiecrisis. Donald Tusk wrote a table with a migration plan.

KIJK. President Macron welcomes Prime Minister Donald Tusk to his arrival.

Vlak voor zijn afreis was de pro-European politicus duidelijk over the kwestie van ongecontroleerde immigratie. “This is over the best part of the western world,” says the Poole regeringsleider, in a small town in the east of Poland.

We want to wake up and be aware that we have to protect our borders. As we open the door to all prior migration, we have implemented this world

Donald Tusk

“We want to wake up and be aware that we have to protect our borders. As we open the door to all migration plans, we have already started the world,” said Tusk.

“The most important difference between the right-wing populist party PiS and the Tusk party is that Tusk is already on the right and wants to be in Europe. “Maar als het op migratie aankomt, zal hij hard zijn,” says Adam Traczyk, director of the Denkank ‘More in Common Polska’ in an interview with the German language ‘Die Welt’.

Volgens de expert he comes with Tusk geen beleid van herverdeling van vluchtelingen of asielzoekers over Europe. “This is not the only person’s standpoint, this is from Poland in general,” he says. Volgens Tusk is he geen language of a migratiebeleid as he geen manner is from the borders in the ground area te controleren.

Donald Tusk and Angela Merkel.
Donald Tusk and Angela Merkel. © afp

Discussion with Merkel

Last year, the campaign campaign was discussed with Angela Merkel. Hij spoke about a Ruzie met the former German bondscanselier tijdens a vergadering van de Europeanse Raad, what Merkel declared “that we can never voorkomen that mensen the borders of Europe oversteken, omdat het het veel zijn”.

Zijn vermeende reactie hierop: “Ik zei Haar dat we ze juist aan ze borders moeten tegenhouden, omdat het het te veel zijn.”


The bezoek van Tusk in Frankrijk en Germany has the verrijzenis inluiden van dezogenaamde Weimardriehoek, het seedwerkingsverband van Frankrijk, Duitsland en Poland dat tegen de Achtergrond van de Russian invasion van Oekraïne opnieuw aan belang zou kunnen winnen.

Tusk op bezoek to Macron in Paris.
Tusk op bezoek to Macron in Paris. © ANP / EPA

“Welcome back,” said Macron as a guest in Poole. “It is enough for us to bring together and manage partners that we can trust, the pro-Europeans and duidelijk zijn over Europese veiligheid en de grote uitdagingen wararmee we have been confronted,” said the Franse president .

On the other hand, the Eurosceptic and nationalist party PiS left Poland for a long time and was drawn to France and Germany, but it was a new wind that was the same as the previous year. Macron is a partner in Europe’s defense on the ground, now the Russian team has initiated the initiative in the Oekraïne and the American presidential candidate Donald Trump has already taken part in NAVO.

Europe needs to be a very continent, and it should be recognized by the EU, France and Poland should be made clear and the borders should be verdedigen and one bonded and vrienden buiten de EU should be verdedigen and ondersteunen

Donald Tusk

This is always the case with the views of Warsaw and Paris on geopolitics and public policy in this area. “Het is allicht here in Paris the words of the three musketeers of Alexandre Dumas de meeste weerklank hebben: één voor allen en allen voor één”, zei hij. “Europe needs to be a very continent, and the EU should be aware of it, France and Poland should also be able to clearly see its borders and be bound together with other members of the EU and have other rights”.

Less afhankelijk

Macron is concerned about the importance of Europe in the economic and military world, which is less dependent on others. This bankruptcy is based on the Zijde van Tusk opnieuw for a reinforcement of the European defense industry, with the name of “strategic uitrusting en munitie te leveren aan Oekraïne”. “It is also possible to make the European Union a veiligheidsgrootmacht te maken die complementair is aan de NAVO, de Europese pijler van de trans-Atlantische alliance”, betoogde hij.

In the East of the EU there is a tradition that is more important than the reinforcement of the European defense. Tegenover Russia left the former Oostbloklanden for greater security from Washington and NAVO. Also in Paris the “geen alternatief” is for the trans-Atlantic seed factory, but for this reason there is a contradiction between the two best and stronger NAVO and the equipment of its own European defence.

Donald Tusk.
Donald Tusk. © REUTERS

There is also a door in Paris and the German bondsman Olaf Scholz in Berlin. Tegelijkertijd blazen de Buitenlandministers van Frankrijk, Duitsland en Poland maandagnamiddag verzamelen in the Château de La Celle nabij de Franse hoofdstad. Stéphane Séjourné, Annalena Baerbock and Radoslav Sikorski took part in the European defense capacity, the military leveraging of the Oekraïne and the Russian destabilization efforts in Europe.

Also Germany, the Russian inval in Oekraïne eveneens zijn veiligheidsbeleid aan het herijken is, lijkt opnieuw heil te zien in de Weimardriehoek, opgericht in 1991, in the nasleep van de val van het IJzeren Gordijn. “For a strong and strong Europe in this stormy tide, the Weimar Bridge can also be seen in the future, a power center and a platform for ideas,” said Baerbock.

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