Pontevedra bus accident | Are the protection barriers on the bridge where the Pontevedra bus crashed adequate?

12/28/2022 at 2:56 p.m.


The mayor of Cerdedo-Cotobade, Jorge Cubela, already demanded last September an improvement plan for the N-541, the most dangerous state highway in Galicia and the second in Spain

While the Mérida-based Traffic Accident Reconstruction Team (ERAT) does not conclude its analysis, the first hypotheses about the tragic bus accident on the 25th continue to point in the same direction: a small excess of speed on the part of the driver –negative in the alcohol and drug tests– and the bad weather conditions registered on Christmas Eve. Precisely, the accumulation of water in the area is behind other accidents that occurred previously. Without forgetting that, According to a 2020 RACE report, the N-541 is the most dangerous state highway in Galicia and the second in Spain, especially in its section in Ourense, due to the concentration of accidents.

With the passing of the days, criticism has also gained strength about another factor that, although it has no influence on the reasons that caused the accident, could have been key to its fatal outcome. These voices would point to the containment systems that this infrastructure has, which would not be adequate for a bridge of that height. It is only about a guardrail, which acts as a safety barrier, and an exterior protection fence for pedestrians They cross the bridge on the sidewalk. These systems, common in the 1980s, proved insufficient to prevent the bus from falling into the river, being destroyed in its path.

An engineer from Bridges and Roads explains to Faro de Vigo, from the Prensa Ibérica group, that these types of barriers are not allowed on newly built bridges. At present it is mandatory to install others with a higher level of containment, precisely to avoid falls into the void of large-tonnage vehicles. However, according to the 2014 regulations, barriers installed before that date are allowed, as is the case with the fastenings of the N-541 bridge over the Lérez in Pedre.

| ATLAS Agency / Photo: EFE

Judicial procedement

On the other hand, the Investigating Court Number 1 of Pontevedra, which was on duty at the time of the events, is the one that, for now, has initiated an investigation procedure in relation to the accident. At this time he is waiting to receive the report from the Civil Guard. On Sunday afternoon, the court obtained the autopsy reports of the fatalities and on Monday proceeded to carry out the procedures to authorize the delivery of the bodies to their families.

Cubela warned of the danger only three months ago

At the beginning of last September, the mayor of Cerdedo-Cotobade, Jorge Cubela, issued a statement demanding an improvement plan for the N-541. This request came after this national highway had registered three accidents in a period of one week . Precisely, one of them took place in the same place where the fatal accident that ended with seven deaths was recorded on Christmas Eve. On that occasion, the rain was also pointed out as the cause of the accident of a car, which ended up hitting the guardrail. At that time, the local councilor considered it “fundamental for the road safety of our neighbors and also of the people who circulate on this road & rdquor; that urgent measures be taken before the numerous accidents that were taking place always in the same points. At that time he already predicted that more accidents would come.

This Wednesday, Cubela has qualified: “Out of respect for the families of the victims, I believe that it is not yet the moment to make reproaches or to find guilty but as for the N-541, the newspaper library is there and does not lie. In the last decade I must have been the mayor who appeared in the press the most times calling for career improvements. On many occasions I asked the Government to improve the surface layer of the national road and without a response& rdquor ;.

The councilor of Cerdedo-Cotobade has stressed that he expects the accident “to be point zero. From Madrid they see us as a very small municipality that is a long way away, and the investments they make are always directed to the big cities, but they should have more sensitivity When a mayor demands something so much, he does it because he knows the situation and in this case because we see the constant departures of vehicles and the problems with the rain. They should pay more attention to us”.

“A single mayor is not going to get them to listen to him in Madrid, but if several come together, even of different political colors, I am sure that we could get our demands to be met,” he added.
