Polyansky linked the moratorium on missiles with the supply of weapons to Kiev

The Russian moratorium on the deployment of ground-based intermediate-range and shorter-range missiles (INF) remains in place, but its duration is directly related to the scale of Western arms supplies to Ukraine. About it declared Deputy Permanent Representative of Russia to the UN Dmitry Polyansky at the commission of the disarmament organization.

“His future will, of course, directly depend on the scale and content of those actions to build up forces and assets on our western borders and to supply the current Ukrainian authorities with weapons that NATO countries are now taking,” Polyansky said.

The diplomat noted that Washington continues to “implement decisions” on the deployment of ground-based medium and short-range missiles in the Asia-Pacific and European regions, saying that the Russian side calls for “prudence” and the abandonment of these plans.

The United States will test intercontinental missiles before the end of the year

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