Pollution on Reitjes: bird sanctuary must save coots

Pollution on Reitjes: bird sanctuary must save coots

In some places, such as the Augustijnenrei, the pollution has been contained. The city says the situation is under control. But because there was already some pollution in the Langerei, the classic Reitjes jump of Sint-Leo Hemelsdaele is canceled today. Franky Demon, alderman for the environment of Bruges: “Sunday evening we received the first signals around half past ten. Oil, a heavy stench. Our fire brigade did the necessary, yesterday together with civil protection. They tried to remove the heaviest pollution. Oil and septic material. We also contained it.”

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Coots smeared

Nevertheless, the pollution is still clearly visible on the Augustijnenrei in the heart of Bruges. The Bird Sanctuary is on site today. A young coot is having a hard time. Claude Velter, Ostend Bird Sanctuary: “What we are going to do is administer fluid, a lot of fluid. And we have now done that through a probe in the stomach. Soon, when we get to the shelter, we will do that again, for two days to stabilize the animals. And only then are they washed. Yesterday four young coots were caught that were completely covered in oil. Today we just caught one more. The parents are unfortunately still on the water. They are also smeared with oil. And if they keep swimming around like that, they’re going to die eventually.”

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Any other events in jeopardy?

It is not yet clear where the pollution comes from today. The stuff has been contained and the city is doing everything it can to remove the pollution in time. Some major events in and on the water are coming up. Franky Demon, alderman for the environment of Bruges: “Unfortunately, Sint-Leo was unable to take his leap. We want to ensure that the activities that are planned these days can continue in all parts of our Reitjes. I am thinking of the Urban Swim, the triathlon and swimming in the Coupure. We do our very best.”

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