Pollinators, what insects they are and why they are important

SI titled it “Voices from the Oasis”, the first and only one playlist available on Spotify (Voices from the Oasis), which plays for the protection of biodiversity. Launched on the occasion of World Habitat Day by 3Bee reproduces the unique sounds of pollinators, recorded by proprietary Spectrum technology. This is an interesting and very curious project raising awareness for the protection of these extraordinary insects whose role is still little known.

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Bees, bumblebees & Co. The playlist with the “voices” of pollinators

According to ISPRA 9% of bees and pollinating insects are at risk of extinction, a situation exacerbated by global warming. Their progressive disappearance is neither visible nor perceived as serious, not as serious as other environmental emergencies. Nevertheless Pollinating insects are responsible for approximately 75% of the world’s crops.

Voices from the Oases, a high-tech monitoring project

The “Voci dalle Oasi” playlist was created with the aim of making their voice heard, with the aim of reaching the greatest number of listeners possible, inviting citizens and businesses not to forget these precious insects.

The project is supported by a special campaign that 3Bee created with the support of Metro 5 Milan. With posters and a real musical exhibition dedicated to the theme.

At the heart of this project is the Element-E certified monitoring protocol, developed by 3Bee. Using Artificial Intelligence and satellite images it allows mapping the study area, estimating the potential biodiversity of the habitat and its suitability for pollinators.

The electronic ear that picks up the vibrations of pollinating insects

A second step of the project leverages the IoT sensor developed by 3Bee, called Spectrum: an “electronic ear” that is positioned in the study area to detect the quantity and types of pollinators present. This non-invasive technology picks up the vibrations emitted by these insects during flight; thanks to the beating of its wings, each pollinator emits a characteristic sound signature which allows 3Bee to evaluate its abundance. To date, over 100 thousand sound samples have been collected and analyzed using Spectrum.

In this way, 3Bee provides one tool for the optimization of policies for the protection and conservation of biodiversity. As he explains Niccolò Calandri, CEO of 3Bee, «Our goal is to create 10,000 Biodiversity Oases within two years: we can only achieve it thanks to the commitment and contribution of virtuous organizations and companies that wish to have an impact with a tangible and measurable regeneration project. With the “Voci dalle Oasi” campaign we want to launch an important awareness message, because the loss of biodiversity cannot go unnoticed: every 1000 listeners, we will plant a nectariferous tree.”

What are pollinating insects and why are they so important?

Generally the word pollinators makes us think especially to domestic bees. In reality, there are between one hundred and two hundred thousand different species of animals capable of acting as pollinators. Only fifteen percent of plants actually “exploit” common bees and not exclusively (but by relying on multiple “vectors”).

Pollinators are very important: 75% of the main agricultural crops, from courgettes to tomatoes, are based on pollination by animals. In Europe, the production of approximately 80% of the 260 cultivated species depends on the activity of pollinating insects. But, since they do not only deal with cultivated plants, their action is important for the entire ecosystem. Small and decisive.

