Politiebaas Marc De Mesmaeker zal zijn mandaat not verlengen om “personal talks” | landlocked

Mesmaeker’s mandate will expire in June following the year in which everything was going to be expanded. Two weeks will be discussed in the political arena with the general rule made by the two ministers Annelies Verlinden (CD&V) and Vincent Van Quickenborne (Open Vld). Tijdens een informeel spoken about the stand van zaken kreeg hij a hoop verwijten naar het hoofd geslingerd.

The Mesmaeker will be sent to Verlinden and Van Quickenborne on three occasions: the main digitalisation of the political sector, the recruiting process and the mainstream of the drugs maffia in Antwerp, which will be deprived of the political power of the sea. Volgens onze bronnen went that everything was kept accord with what he will weweten. Also de politievakbonden went aft de commissaris-generaal Marc De Mesmaeker staan ​​na de accusations.

According to De Mesmaeker, what he said about a verbal agreement, but that would be the case for the personal words that he made. In a personal report De Mesmaeker benadrukt that de people, de overheden, other veiligheidspartners en uiteraard de personeelsleden van de Federale Politie en bij uitbreiding van de Geïntegreerde Politie ondertussen op zijn full inzet kunnen blijven rekenenen.
