Politics seeks urgent solution for tent camp in Molenbeek: “Situation is too unsafe” | Brussels

The municipality of Molenbeek announces that it is looking for an urgent solution for the tent camp on and around the bridge along the Koolmijnenkaai, together with the Brussels region and with the support of Federal Secretary of State for Asylum and Migration Nicole De Moor (CD&V). The situation has become too unsafe.

People have been sleeping in tents on the bridge for five months, but after the evacuation of the squat in rue des Palais in Schaerbeek, the number of tents doubled or tripled. Hundreds of people were added who now spend their days there. This leads to dangerous and uncontrollable situations for passing pedestrians and cyclists.

“Since last Thursday, the mayor has been in contact with the Brussels region and the federal government to find an alternative solution,” said Rachid Barghouti, spokesperson for Molenbeek’s mayor Catherine Moureaux (PS). “State Secretary De Moor has committed to find a solution for the asylum seekers present in the coming weeks, given the pressure on the Fedasil network. In the meantime, we are looking for temporary accommodation with the municipality and the region. we currently.”

Public safety

According to the municipality of Molenbeek, public safety can no longer be guaranteed. Aid organizations and volunteers on the spot had heard on Tuesday afternoon that an evacuation action would follow. A solution was in the works, but in the end it turns out that it did not work.

The municipality of Molenbeek has always allowed the tent camp on its territory. “We understand that people on the ground are worried, given the number of tents that have been added,” said Barghouti. “As a result, we also have to call in more police, prevention services and city guards. It is becoming dangerous and that is why we have increased the presence. The mayor therefore wants an immediate solution.”

Now it remains to be seen whether a new shelter will be found for the residents of the tent camp in the coming hours and days. Whether that will be a solution in the form of another vacant building or rooms in a Brussels hotel is not clear, and the municipality does not want to go into that.

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