Politicians of all colors have passed through Masterchef but they say that we whiten the fachas

TO pepe rodriguezthe owner of the restaurant El Bohío (one Michelin star) and jury of ‘Masterchef’He doesn’t like to bite his tongue. Not in the TVE-1 contest, where he does not cut himself with the evaluations, nor to talk about politics, after the one that she was mounted as a result of his comments about Pablo Iglesias. “Criticizing politicians seems to me the healthiest thing in the world,” he justifies EL PERIÓDICO. This Monday, March 27, the 11th season of the most famous gastronomic ‘talent show’ premieres, which comes loaded with news: it will be broadcast two nights a week (Mondays and Tuesdays), sooner (at 10:00 p.m.) and there will be twice as many of participants (no less than 30).

They have finally fulfilled the biggest wish of the fans of the program: they will be able to arrive at work the next day more rested because the contest starts earlier and will be shorter, since it is divided into two days.

I sense that it is a little shorter because there are two weekly broadcasts and the tests are shorter, but even so they are the same recording time, so I don’t know where they are going to put the scissors.

They have twice as many applicants, 30. Luckily they have their names on their aprons, because otherwise it would be difficult to remember them all!

If when you were 15 you didn’t find out the first week, at 30 it’s impossible. And then everything goes so fast… But it was a challenge to do it. TVE requested it, so we had to do it. We haven’t finished recording yet and we’re already dead because there are many hours, a lot of work, very little free time, we don’t have life to breathe… Too much ‘Masterchef’.

A contestant has lost 10 kilos. Has the jury also suffered at that level?

I haven’t lost 10 kilos but I don’t gain anything either, and I could gain them because of what we taste, what we drink, what we eat… Note that in the normal editions the contestants gain weight, and in this I think the vast majority they have lost. That already indicates the level of work.

This year there are two weekly programs, each day with two tests and one expulsion. Are they seeing your hair in El Bohío?

You make every effort to be there, but it’s one day less to be in the restaurant. I work seven days a week, although before I used to take an afternoon. Now not even that, I couldn’t. It’s being strenuous.

He says that dressing up in the program is what costs him the most. Nobody would have said it with the number of times we have seen him characterize himself.

I have done things on TV that if my mother were alive she would say: But son, what are you doing? Because I have not done them in life. I have never dressed up because I have not liked carnival, and in ‘Masterchef’ I have done it 150 times. I have always been a modest guy and the times I have made a fool of myself on TV have been for the good of the program. I mutate, I’m a geek, I’ve always been the most prudent guy. I have a bad time, I don’t know if I hide it well.

They have never cut themselves valuing the participants. Could you have bitten your tongue if a plate had been thrown at you, as has sometimes happened?

When they tell you things clearly to your face, it’s hunchbacked. Sometimes I think about it and I think it would have been very difficult for me to bite my tongue. I would answer, surely they would have kicked me out.

Countless chefs have passed through the program. But the other great television reference of Spanish cuisine, Karlos Arguiñano, has not attended as a guest. Because?

I personally have invited a ‘celebrity’ to the jury but he had a contract with Antena 3. We haven’t tested Alberto Chicote either, and look, he’s a close friend of mine. Yes, I have even been to his wedding!

“Patricia Conde did not understand the program”

There are those who think that if they do not go it is because they will get along badly.

Not at all. I think it would be good if we gave each other feedback, nothing would happen. But the chains have those things that if you are with Juan you can no longer be with Pedro. That they came as guests I think it would be good for both their program and ours. But this world is curious.

In the latest edition of ‘Masterchef celebrity’ Patricia Conde opened Pandora’s box with his famous post on Instagram, where he said that ‘Masterchef’ was television, that it was not real. He also implied that they turned off the contestants’ ovens.Because of the little contact I’ve had with Patricia, she seems like a wonderful aunt, but I don’t know her in depth and I don’t know how far she saw or felt that. Seeing her as a contestant, that she is an aunt who has been on television for many years, there were things that escaped her. She already said many times that she was a shy aunt.

She has not been the only ‘celebrity’ who has complained about her time on the program. Xuso Jones, Fernando Tejero have also done it…

There are ‘celebrities’ who have not spoken well of ‘Masterchef’ because they have not understood the program, they have not had a good time and they have not enjoyed it. I’m very sorry because it’s a program for real entertainment, especially the ‘celebrities’ one. Patricia Conde has not understood it either. She would understand that he says that what the jury believes, that he complains about the program, but I do not understand that he lashes out at his colleagues. I’d love to ask him what happened, what he saw that I didn’t.

So they don’t turn off ovens?

I turn it off to Jordi Cruz and he to me to touch our noses. But Patricia? What a need, or that she was a Joël Robuchon who cooks like angels and we want her to do it badly. It is not necessary to turn off the oven for Patricia Conde or the others for them to make mistakes, because they are not professionals.

They have called for a boycott of ‘Masterchef’ because of some criticism you made of Pablo Iglesias. Are you afraid of the boycott?

We have the freedom to have a remote in our hands, so no one forces you to watch ‘Masterchef’, you see what you want. What did I say? What would make Pablo Iglesias make a calamari sandwich? If he even answered me.

You said that Pablo Iglesias had come “to touch the nose” and he called you “facha brother-in-law”. What would he tell her now?

I don’t tell him anything. For me it is an honor that the former vice president of the Government answers me, a miserable village cook. The things they will have said to that man, how much they will not have criticized him. Like any politician, no one is spared from burning, and he who has been so controversial… For a cook to tell him that he would make him a calamari sandwich and mount the marimorena means that this country is doing very well. I like to understand politics, what is happening, but you will never have seen me defend a politician. Criticizing politicians seems to me the healthiest thing in the world. If they are public servants! Cristina Pardo said a wonderful phrase: Why do we allow politicians what we would not allow a father or a brother? They lie to us like knaves, they say I’m going to do it and they don’t do it, I’m not going to agree and agree, and we let them. I understand that there are people who like politics, but me defending a politician? Never. I think they need to be put in their place.

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‘Masterchef’ has also been highly criticized when politicians come out.

Politicians of all colors have passed through the program but they say that we whitewash the fachas. Ada Colau, Almeida, Ayuso, Fernández Vara, Juan García-Gallardo have been there… Come on, of all signs. Well look, it is that we have not put them, the people have voted for them. Colau has been twice and I don’t see strange tweets, but Ayuso comes and they shoot her, or García-Gallardo. There is a small group that manages the networks to do damage and they like to mess it up.
