Politicians demand security measures at concerts

Bamberg local politicians are calling for more safety for women at concerts and major events. Accordingly, the city council members Leoniepfadenhauer and Dr. Hans-Günter Brünker submitted an application with several suggestions.

Among other things, awareness teams should be set up to ensure that discrimination, sexual assault or violence does not occur. In addition, places should be set up where people can go to safety in case of danger. The “Luisa is here” campaign will also be used here. The question “Is Luisa here?” serves as a code to signal that a person is in danger and needs help.

The application follows the allegations and investigations against Rammstein singer Till Lindemann, which were first raised in May. Several women reported alleged incidents in which attacks occurred at Rammstein concerts. The public prosecutor’s investigation was discontinued at the end of August and there will be no charges against Lindemann.

The singer’s solo tour follows in November, with an appearance in Bamberg’s Brose Arena. Although the discussion about Lindemann is seen as the trigger for the action, Pathenhauer and Brünker believe the measures are long overdue. “It is actually long overdue for the large urban event spaces such as arenas and concert halls to have awareness concepts that prevent attacks, danger areas or escalating situations in advance,” sayspfadenhauer.

It should also be checked whether “Row Zero” can be banned at concerts. The term became known in connection with the Rammstein case, as some allegations related to the fact that women from the “zero row”, the separated area directly in front of the stage, were selected and allegedly recruited for sex. There will be no charges against Lindemann regarding these allegations either.

“It is important that everyone can feel safe at all times, even at major events,” says Dr. Brünker about the application. “In this respect, I was very happy to find a comrade-in-arms in Leoniepfadenhauer who, like me, would like to use the debate about Lindemann as an opportunity to take preventative action.”

Other politicians also support the campaign, including Ingeborg Eichhorn and Lucas Büchner.
