Politicians and Parliament officials clash over early retirement

The civil servant body and the political line face each other in the Parliament after the Board of the Catalan Chamber hastened to eliminate age licenses, a kind of paid early retirement without working for those who were 60 years old and had been in the institution for 15. The governing body will approve this Tuesday a new general regime that goes through subsidized leave of absence and reductions in working hoursalthough far from current conditions, and will without the signature of the staff councilwhich denounces “legal insecurity” and calls for a mediator after the Table withdrew an agreement that had been signed by both parties, but which was not validated by the internal affairs committee.

The tensions have increased to the point where the political line is direct without the plácet of the staff. The thirty people who enjoy the pay must return to their jobs progressively and under specific conditions, according to parliamentary sources. Those who have a year left to retire will be able to avoid it, and others will be able to do so gradually over a period of six months if they live outside of Catalonia or if they have dependents. The telecommuting It will be implanted in those positions in which they can exercise it.

Current workers will be able to benefit from the new regime, which sets degrees of paid leave and reductions in working hours, not in full, but according to the hourly reduction, when they turn 60 and prove 15 working in the Chamber.

the precedent

The Parliament abolished without negotiation article 79 of the statutes of regime and internal government (ERGI) without prior negotiation. Then they began to talk to establish new early retirement. Those in charge of piloting the conversations –Ferran Pedret (PSC) and aurora madaula (Junts)- rolled up their sleeves to close a pact that included incentivized voluntary leave of absence and three possible reductions in working hours. Officials with a higher contribution would be around 2,800 euros gross per month if they requested the first option and, in the case of the second, the reduction could be progressive (from a sixth of the day to half when there is a year left for retirement ), 50% or a third of the working day on a fixed basis.

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The planned measure would be applicable with the same age and career criteria, but the amounts would be reduced with respect to the already extinct licenses due to age. The agreement was approved by the Board and had to be validated by the internal affairs committee but, a few hours before it was voted on, Borràs retracted alleging that he understood that this pact was limited only to those who already received the licenses and not to all the workers, although several sources confirm that the head of human resources explained the proposal and that, in addition, there were more than 10 meetings and several documents in which was clear. The pact was withdrawn from the agenda and Pedret decided to return the delegated powers on the matter.

The Table extended the negotiation until this Tuesday, but the workers continue to defend this agreement agreed by the two parties and reject the new proposal. They denounce that they have not had time to discuss it with all the staff and that they feel “scammed” because the political line contradicts closed agreements. Various sources assume that this mess will end up in court, because they allege that “consolidated rights” have been eliminated, that signed pacts have been violated and that the Table “is imposed”. Sources from the governing body, on the other hand, defend that they have the powers to modify this regulation.
