Politician watches porn in parliament | Bizarre

Indian politician Jadab Lal Nath (55) has gone viral with embarrassing footage showing him scrolling through pornographic videos in parliament. The opposition is demanding a severe punishment.


Apr 3 2023

Latest update:

KameraOne/The Indian Express

Nath, the leader of the BJP majority party in Tripura state, claims the videos started playing on their own. “I am aware that the use of mobile phones is prohibited in the Chamber,” he explains. “But I got repeated calls and after I answered one, obscene videos started playing on my phone. I dropped them off soon after,” it sounds in The Indian Express.

The opposition is demanding action, but chairman Biswabandhu Sen says he cannot do anything without a formal complaint. “We want an appropriate and severe punishment, such as a ban on participating in elections for the next six years or so,” said opposition leader Animesh Debbarma of Tipra Motha.

Nath is a member of the BJP, a Hindu nationalist party that includes Prime Minister Narendra Modi. In 2012, the three BJP politicians Laxman Savadi, CC Patil and Krishna Palemar had to resign for similar offences. The party later revived two of them, and Savadi secured another major post in 2019.

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Indian politician Jadab Lal Nath (55) has gone viral with embarrassing footage showing him scrolling through pornographic videos in parliament. © screenshot
