Political poker about Attila Hildmann

From the BZ editorial team

Right-wing extremist, Corona and Holocaust denier. Attila Hildmann (41) used to write cookbooks and run vegan restaurants. The man became an agitator.

He claimed Hitler was “a blessing” compared to Angela Merkel, fled to Turkey. He is being investigated in more than 1,000 cases for incitement to hatred and insults. There is an international arrest warrant.

Kartepe, a small town about 120 kilometers from Istanbul. The weather: Currently rather sunny, around 15 degrees. This is where the conspiracy ideologue (nicknamed “Avocadolf”) piled up, revealed the magazine “stern” with hobby detectives.

Now it comes out: The federal government has not yet asked Turkey for extradition, although his whereabouts are known, according to the magazine.

The Berlin Public Prosecutor’s Office only found out where Attila Hildmann lived through the report and the Hildbusters research group – and according to “star” information he also lives further in the city.

Why is there no extradition request yet?

Because of the Interpol arrest warrant, Turkey is obliged to arrest and transfer him. According to the Attorney General, the federal government can only ask Turkey for extradition if there are prerequisites for this.

Because either the police in the country must have arrested Hildmann, or Turkey must ask Germany to make the request. With the points: so far none. A spokesman for the authorities: “Extradition requests in the dark, however, are not made.”

Attila Hildmann - here at a demo against the Corona measures (archive photo)

Attila Hildmann – here at a demo against the Corona measures (archive photo) Photo: dpa

For the member of the Bundestag Andrej Hunko (59, Die Linke), Hildmann is “bargaining ground” for the Turkish President Erdogan (68): “He will try to use him as a means of pressure in order to have Turkish opposition members extradited from Germany in return,” said the 59 -year-olds opposite “stern”.

In 2018, Hildmann is said to have insulted police officers and pushed an officer after a traffic check in Berlin. In the Corona crisis, he became a conspiracy ideologist. The German judiciary accused him, among other things, of hate speech and incitement to commit crimes.

State security began investigations and openly spread anti-Semitic ideas in a chat group. In November 2020, officers searched his house in Brandenburg and secured cell phones, computer memory, notebooks and SIM cards. Packers later cleared out his Berlin apartment.

At the end of 2020 he went into hiding and made his way to Turkey. The arrest warrant has been in place since February 2021. Hildmann’s parents are Turkish. According to his own statements, he was put up for adoption after his birth and grew up in Germany.

At first, investigators believed Hildmann also had a Turkish passport, which would protect him from being transferred. This later turned out to be a mistake.
