Polio raises its head, the WHO call to vaccinate

C.ovid, monkeypox and now the polio. The ancient threat that now seemed to have been defeated also raises its head. And, on the other hand, with cases reported in the US, England and Israel, WHO warns and launches a global call to vaccinateif you have never done so.

Polio raises its head: call for vaccination

“Recent cases of polio worldwide are a wake-up call for everyone. It is our shared responsibility to eradicate polio globally, ”says the WHO Europe director, Hans Kluge.

Who makes an appeal: “All those who are not vaccinated, or whose children have missed their scheduled vaccinations, they should vaccinate as soon as possible“. In fact, Kluge explained that, despite the high overall polio vaccination coverage, «the poliovirus has found its way towards susceptible individuals in poorly vaccinated communities“.

And to reassure the undecided he adds: «I polio vaccines have proven very effective and safe“.

The ancient threat that now seemed to have been defeated also raises its head

The vaccine already exists

The vaccine, in fact, has already existed for some time, or rather two: they were the two scientists Jonas Salk and Albert Sabinin the mid-twentieth century, to find two alternative formulas.

Salk’sthe first to be approved, is injected and prevents the development of the disease but without blocking viral transmission. Sabin’s formula uses an artificially weakened live virus and is taken orally.

Sabin’s formula is cheaper and easier to distribute (an important advantage in poorer countries. And as reported by the Higher Institute of Health the preparation made it possible to eradicate polio in Europe and is recommended by the World Health Organization in its global disease eradication campaign.

What is polio?

Polio is a serious disease that affects the nervous system by destroying neural cells and causing paralysis. It is caused by three types of poliovirus (1,2 and 3)belonging to the enterovirus genus.

In most cases, the most devastating effects relate to the muscles of the upper and lower limbs who begin to lose muscle tone. In the most severe forms, total paralysis occurs.

There bulbar form is the most violent: the virus paralyzes the muscles innervated by the cranial nerves, reducing the ability to breathe, swallow and speak.

