Policewoman is said to have embezzled coke and consumed it with colleagues

Cocaine with bank note (symbol image)

Cocaine with bank note (symbol image) Photo: picture alliance / Geisler-Fotopress

From BZ/dpa

Coke party at the station? A Berlin police officer is said to have embezzled confiscated cocaine and used it with colleagues.

During a search of the living and office space of three police officers on Thursday morning, a “cocaine-suspicious substance” was found in the 44-year-old police officer, the police said. There is a suspicion that the woman “should have kept some of the cocaine confiscated beforehand”.

It also said: “With several police officers – a police officer and a police officer are known by name so far – she is said to have consumed this together at the beginning of February.” The police are examining legal steps and are investigating criminally against the colleagues.

Only on Wednesday there were searches of a police officer who is suspected of having passed on internal information.


Currently Berlin police cocaine
