Police with 1,500 forces at Jew-hater demonstration in Berlin

By Axel Lier, Peter Hell, Charlotte Mahncke, Michael Behrendt, Mareike Drünkler, Maren Wittge and Larissa Hoppe

Pro-Palestinian and left-wing radical associations across Europe have called for people to gather in the center of Berlin on Saturday. At the same time, the police mobilized all available emergency and alarm units. Large demonstration by Israel haters in the heart of the capital.

In the morning, the first demo participants gathered at the starting point at the Neptune Fountain near Alexanderplatz. An hour before the demo started there were around 100.

According to BILD information, the person who registered the march was a native Israeli who recently lost his job as a guide at the Jewish Museum. The reason: During his tours he described Israel as an apartheid state.

More than a dozen clubs and associations mobilized. Participation was encouraged across Europe, particularly via social networks. A police officer told BILD: “We expect at least anti-Israel chants, posters and banners. If the situation escalates and we have to intervene, there won’t be any pretty pictures.”

After the recent bans on activities by Hamas and Samidoun, the police officially assume that the decision will lead to “emotionalization,” a police spokeswoman said on Thursday.

According to the police, only 1,000 participants have registered, but it is unclear whether there will be more. Those familiar with the scene assume that up to 10,000 people could take part in the demonstration.
