Police shoot when arrested in Oldenzaal supermarket robbery

Police shoot when arrested in Oldenzaal supermarket robbery

The police in Oldenzaal fired shots on Friday evening at the arrest of a suspect who allegedly robbed a supermarket with a knife. The suspect, a 44-year-old man from Deventer, was not hit, but was examined in hospital because he appeared to be unconscious, the police report.

Officers responded to the report of an armed robbery and fired a warning shot as the suspect ran away. As he continued to run away, another shot was fired and the man fell to the ground. The police thought they had hit him, but saw no blood or injuries. No injuries were found on further investigation at the hospital. The man has been transferred to the police cell. He stated that he had been using drugs all day, police said.

A 21-year-old man from Oldenzaal witnessed the robbery. He was injured. According to the police, the robber’s knife hit him when he tried to prevent the suspect from trying to reach the cash register in the supermarket again.
