Police school gets its own shooting range | Focus and WTV

Police school gets its own shooting range

Every year, about 3,500 police officers have to go on target practice at least four times. Steve Margodt, training director of the West Flemish police school: “The police officers in training now have a modern shooting range and practice accommodation in their own school.

The complex is largely sunk into the ground and will soon have two shooting ranges. Outside you will not hear anything about the target practice. The province is investing 6 million euros in this new shooting range, which costs 10 million euros. Carl Decaluwé, governor of West Flanders: “This is not one of the core tasks, but it is an element of ‘education’ in which the provincial government wants to participate. This way we can train our police officers in the best possible conditions.

The police zones of Damme-Knokke-Heist, Bruges, Tielt and Het Houtsche already want to come and practice here next year.
