Police release new images of series of robberies on Purmerend contractor

The police paid attention to a number of robberies on a fifty-year-old entrepreneur from Purmerend tonight in the TV program Opsporing Verzoeken. It showed new images of the robbers in these cases. In 2022, the man fell victim to a robbery no fewer than three times in six months.

The first robbery took place on April 21. The Purmerend entrepreneur was robbed of his Rolex during the day. He also had to give up glasses from the expensive brand Cartier.

There are no images of the robbery itself, but the police do have camera images of the suspects below. According to the police, a third person, who can be seen in the video, may be involved. The driver of the black Toyota Yaris gives something, which causes this third person to fall to the ground. Text continues below the video

Robbery on September 9

The same contractor was hired on September 9 last year raided again. Investigation Requested already paid attention to that robbery, near his company at the Antwerp port, in 2022. In this robbery, another very expensive watch from Rolex was stolen. The police have released new images of the robbers in this case.

The images below show two men just before they attacked the victim in broad daylight. The getaway car was also filmed: a black Volkswagen Golf. Text continues below the video

Attempted home robbery on October 20

As if all that wasn’t bad enough, the Purmerend entrepreneur also fell victim to an attempted robbery at his home in Zuidoostbeemster on October 20. Early in the morning, the family’s dogs would not stop barking. When the contractor’s wife went to take a look with her son, they suddenly found themselves face to face with three men dressed in black.

They threw her to the ground and punched her in the face. Two nearby construction workers approached the woman’s screams. That caused the men to flee. The police suspect that the men wanted to commit a home robbery.

Two days before the incident, surveillance footage probably captured a preliminary reconnaissance. Three unknown men in dark clothing were walking around the neighborhood and a light blue Volkswagen Golf was filmed. Text continues below the video

The police say in the broadcast that they do not yet know anything about the motive behind the robberies. “It could be one perpetrator group that operated in varying compositions and specifically targeted this victim. But it is also possible that the perpetrators of the various robberies do not know each other at all and that it is a coincidence that this man was targeted three times. has been.” According to the police, the victim himself says that he has no problems or arguments with anyone.

“The whole family is terrified that the men will come back”

Police Investigation Requested

“It is an extremely threatening situation for the man. Especially now that his family is involved in the attempted home robbery. The whole family is terrified that the men will come back,” said the police.

If you recognize the persons or cars in the above videos, the police ask you to share this with them. Even if you know where the Rolexes and the Cartier glasses are, the police would like to know
