Police raid the house, man is handcuffed and taken away blindfolded

The police arrested a man in his house at Watermunt in Empel around midnight on Wednesday evening. The police came to the house with several teams from the Special Interventions Service (DSI). The street was cordoned off, a dog and a drone were deployed.

The fire brigade and two ambulances gathered at a nearby supermarket around half past ten on Wednesday evening.

Neighbors of the house where the police wanted to enter had to leave their house. For example, a 112 correspondent saw that a family with a small child was temporarily put in a police car.

The suspect was talked out of his home by a negotiator and a little later taken away by the police, blindfolded and handcuffed. Immediately after the arrest, the house was searched and the dog was also used for that purpose.

It has not yet been revealed why the police carried out the raid. The police are expected to provide more information about the arrest on Thursday.
