Police officers rescue man from Schlachtensee

Brave jump into the water: police officers save a man from Schlachtensee

Police and fire brigade and divers of the DRK were on site with a large contingent Photo: Spreepicture

By Dirk Boettger

On Sunday evening, three police officers rescued a man from the Schlachtensee by jumping into the water.

In the evening around 7 p.m. the man went under in the water. Police officers who arrived first jumped into the water, found the man and brought him to shore.

The man (about 45 years old) was successfully resuscitated on site and transported to a hospital under resuscitation conditions. There were also divers from the DRK and the fire brigade with a large contingent, including a boat.

The fast and exemplary action of the officials of the Berliners police probably saved the man’s life.

Why the man went under is now the subject of investigations by a specialist commissariat of the Berlin police.


Schlachtensee Police
