Police officer rescued drunk woman from Spree

Police officer saves young woman from the Spree

The fire brigade and police rescued the young woman from the water Photo: Spreepicture

By Dirk Böttger

On Saturday night, a police officer in Berlin-Mitte rescued a woman from the Spree by jumping into the water.

At around 3 a.m., the young officer saved the woman’s life at Schiffbauerdamm near Bertolt-Brecht-Platz. According to initial reports, the woman was drunk and fell into the Spree for reasons unknown.

A caller alerted the fire department and police. The police officers arrived first and were able to spot the blonde woman immediately. Without hesitation, the officer took off his functional vest, took off his safety shoes and went to the woman floating in the water.

Firefighters who have arrived in the meantime are supporting the officer. A squadron leader climbed down the quay wall and, together with the officer, the woman was able to be brought to the safety of the ladder.

The rescuers pulled the woman up to Schiffbauerdamm, where an emergency doctor and paramedics took over further care. An ambulance also came for the completely soaked police officer; the lifesaver was now able to dry himself before he put on a fresh uniform on the section.

Why and how the woman ended up in the water of the Spree is the subject of ongoing police investigations.


Currently Berlin Police Spree
