Police make images of fraudsters pinning recognizable: “hoping for the golden tip”

A so-called bank employee who shopped for thousands of euros on Wednesday, September 6, with a stolen debit card, is recognizable today in the Bureau NH broadcast. He convinced a 76-year-old victim from Edam that something was wrong with her bank account. But he then made off with both her laptop and debit card.

Photo: PIN fraudster not yet caught –

A 76-year-old woman received a call in Edam around 2:30 PM on September 6. A self-described bank employee is on the phone with her. Everything could be wrong. Her laptop, among other things, was allegedly hacked and large sums of money were withdrawn from her bank account.

All this is utter nonsense, but the woman is persuaded into trusting the ‘bank employee’. That same day, the man shows up at her door around 6 p.m.

Bring your laptop and bank card

The laptop is given – in complete good faith – to “clean it up”. She has not seen anything of that device again so far. The woman’s debit card was also given to him.

Expensive products were purchased that same day at an electronics store on Gustav Mahlerlaan in Amsterdam. The total damage? More than three thousand euros.

Chance lost

The young man can be clearly seen in the images above. He had the opportunity to report within the last two weeks. The police and the Public Prosecution Service believe that the suspect may be a minor. In that case, images are always first shown unrecognizable.

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He had fourteen days to report, but that did not happen. No tip has come in either. Hence the publication of the uncensored camera images of the boy. If you think you recognize him, you can contact us via the police communication channels below. “We hope for a good tip,” it sounds.

Do you know anything about this boy?

Call the police 0800-6070.

Would you rather remain anonymous? That is also possible. Via 0800-7000 or go to meldmisdaadanoniem.nl.

Broadcasting Agency NH

Bureau NH can be seen live on TV every Wednesday at 5:10 PM.
