Police investigate unwellness in nightclub: ‘But no indication of drugs’

The police are investigating a report of three girls who became unwell during a school party at Party Palace New York in New Amsterdam.

Last night there was a party in the nightlife for students aged 12 to 17. After the party, stories circulated on Facebook that fifteen girls had become ill. They may have been drugged, it is suggested.

The number of fifteen is unknown to the police. “We received a report from three girls who were not feeling well,” said a police spokesperson. “We are certainly investigating, but there are as yet no indications that children have been drugged there on a large scale. But we do not rule out anything either.”

Johan Velzing, the owner of the disco, denies that children have been drugged. “I strongly oppose that. I point that to the realm of fables,” he responds firmly. “This is just not true.” He is awaiting the police investigation. “Because if it turns out that it is, then we will of course take tough measures.”

According to Velzing, there were problems with the cooling, which, in his own words, made it sweltering hot. “But I’m really taking a stand against the drug story.” The owner therefore looks forward to the police investigation with confidence. “We always have super parties, there is never anything wrong. We are always on top of it.”

The disco on the Vaart Zuidzijde will be demolished at the end of this year. The building will be demolished to make way for eighteen apartments. However, it is still being examined whether Party Palace can be revived at another location in New Amsterdam.
