Police close cafe in Zaandijk for three months after illegal poker tournament

The police closed a cafe on Guisweg in Zaandijk last Sunday after an illegal poker tournament was found. The owner of the cafe has been arrested and the municipality closes the building for three months.

After several reports via Meld Misdaad Anoniem, the police, together with the municipality and the Gaming Authority, decided to unexpectedly enter the cafe.

Once inside, it soon became apparent that an illegal poker tournament was underway. The police ended the tournament and handcuffed the owner of the cafe. Cash was also seized.

The municipality does not want to share which café it is exactly, but according to Google Maps there is only one café on Guisweg: Café ‘t Zonnetje. A local resident confirms to NH Nieuws that café ‘t Zonnetje is indeed closed and that there is a placard from the municipality on the window.

Café ‘t Zonnetje could not be reached for comment today.
