Police ban two Palestinian demonstrations in Berlin

Around 300 participants came to the anti-Jewish demonstration in Neukölln

Around 300 participants came to the anti-Jewish demonstration in Neukölln Photo: picture alliance/dpa

From the BZ editorial team

So now it is! Berlin bans the two Palestinian demos planned for the weekend.

“After evaluating all circumstances and findings and weighing up all interests – in particular the fundamental right to freedom of assembly – the Berlin police today banned two meetings announced for the upcoming weekend and the holding of each replacement event in Berlin until April 16, 2023,” it says in the statement of the Berlin police.

The following events are banned: “Solidarity with all political prisoners on the day of the Palestinian prisoners” on Saturday at Hermannplatz and “Day of the Palestinian prisoners” on Sunday, also in Neukölln.

The police are now drawing conclusions from the hate demonstration on Holy Saturday! According to the police, there is a risk of inflammatory, anti-Semitic calls, glorification of violence, acts of violence and intimidation at both gatherings.

What happened?

The demo of shame on Saturday in Berlin! Numerous participants marched through the capital districts of Kreuzberg and Neukölln, chanting hate slogans: “Death to the Jews! Death to Israel!”. The police did not intervene, although translators were present.

There is massive criticism from politicians – and the demand that something like this never happens again. According to the organization democ, video material from the rally in Neukölln and Kreuzberg was posted online.


Demo demonstration Jews Judaism
