Police are still investigating Christmas quiz photo with British Prime Minister Johnson Abroad

patygateBritish Prime Minister Boris Johnson has been embarrassed again by a corona party photo in his official residence. It appeared on the tabloid website The Mirror when the embattled Conservative leader had to speak to parliament during question time.

The photo shows the Prime Minister and employees with snacks and an uncorked bottle of ‘bubbles’ in the official residence (Downing Street 10). It goes according to The Mirror for a Christmas quiz on December 15, 2020. At that time, strict corona rules applied and companies were not allowed to hold Christmas parties.

According to Johnson, it was a ‘virtual quiz’ that the police have not investigated further. The prime minister called the criticism unjustified. He emphasized that the meeting in question had indeed been reported to researchers.

The police confirm that she was aware. The photo was reviewed but was not subject to criminal investigation. After today’s debate, the police said they would investigate whether that was the right decision based on the photo.

New setback

The publication is another setback for Johnson. His position has already been under pressure from reports that the prime minister and his staff have held parties and other social gatherings while the country was in lockdown. The affair is dubbed partygate and is fueled by ongoing media revelations about the parties.

The scandal has already sparked multiple investigations. Top government official Sue Gray investigated exactly what happened on behalf of the government and recently published a critical report. The police have now announced that they are investigating whether corona rules have been violated. At the end of this week, more than fifty people who would have been involved in twelve investigated lockdown parties will start to be heard.

Drop off

The affair could cost the prime minister politically. Several party members have already made it clear that they want to vote on his position within their Conservative Party. If MPs oust Johnson as party leader, he must also resign as prime minister. That can become a party member the Prime Minister and complete his term of office.

The left-wing opposition finds it strange that the police are not investigating the case. “This looks remarkably like one of the Christmas parties that the Prime Minister has maintained did not take place,” said Labor member Fabian Hamilton. Sky News


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