Police are puzzled by a shooting incident in Coevorden

The police are in the dark after a shooting incident in Coevorden. He discovered the case after a man from Meppel reported to the GP post in Hardenberg yesterday afternoon with a gunshot wound. A few hours later, a suspect reports to the police station in Coevorden.

The police have established that these two events are related. Around 3:30 pm yesterday afternoon, the police were alerted by a bystander who saw a man with a gunshot wound being brought into a doctor’s office. He alerts the police. The victim is a 27-year-old man from Meppel.

A few hours later, a 23-year-old man from Coevorden reports to the station in the same town. It is clear that the shooting incident took place in Coevorden, but not where exactly and at what time. This is currently still being investigated.

Two Volkswagens may have been involved in the shooting incident; a blue Volkswagen Golf and/or a gray Volkswagen Jetta. Although the suspect from Coevorden has been interrogated, “there are still questions,” the police spokesperson said.

The police are calling on people to share information that may be related to the incident. “Maybe bystanders noticed something that, knowing a gunshot wound and this context, they thought: we should just call,” the police spokesperson said.

“All information, no matter how small, can be valuable,” the police said.
