Police are looking for a fireworks thrower towards officers during King’s Day Purmerend

Since King’s Day 2023, the police have been looking for a firework thrower towards officers who had lined up. Images also show that a woman in a mobility scooter barely managed to get away on King’s Day in question. She escapes unscathed.

There will be celebrations everywhere on King’s Day 2023 in Purmerend. There are orange ribbons, Dutch flags, people having a beer. But on the evening in question things went terribly wrong at the Koemarkt.

There has been unrest on the entertainment square for some time later in the day. Agents therefore line up. A boy then lights fireworks and throws them at the officers, twice. Images obtained by the police from Bureau NH clearly show that an older woman in a mobility scooter manages to get away just in time.

Agents file reports

The police are taking the matter seriously, several officers have filed a report for attempted assault. “This was really grim. And it is really quite a criminal offense. It is an attempted aggravated assault.” The police state that throwing (heavily illegal) fireworks increases the risk of injury and permanent hearing damage.

The suspect has been made unrecognizable in the images above, as he is most likely a minor. He has one week to report, otherwise the police will identify the suspect in a recognizable manner.

Do you know more?

Call the police 0800-6070.

Would you rather remain anonymous? That is also possible. Via 0800-7000 or go to meldmisdaadanoniem.nl.

Broadcasting Agency NH

Bureau NH can be seen live on TV every Wednesday at 5:10 PM.
